1. Websites about Reiki
2. 10 Useful Reiki websites
3. Creating your own website
4. Free Download Website Design Guide
As a Reiki practitioner, it’s important that you keep developing your skill as a practitioner and stay connected with helpful ideas and techniques in the Reiki community. It’s also beneficial to stay connected with other Reiki practitioners in the community to learn from their experiences as practitioners and small business owners.
Reiki practitioners in the wellness industry help clients from a wide demographic with a variety of life experiences and problems. As Reiki practitioners share their experiences and knowledge through their own websites, this can help you develop your knowledge to help clients in your practice that may have the same issues.
By staying connected with other practitioners and small business owners, we can learn to develop helpful routines and best standards of practice in our work. Exposing ourselves to ideas from other practitioners can help us expand our understanding within the field of Reiki and other wellness therapies.
We can seek to build and develop our knowledge about Reiki in a number of ways including books, conferences, workshops, and industry events. The most common ways to develop this knowledge online includes ebooks, blogs, websites, social media, podcasts, and community groups.
Many community based online hubs such as social media can be useful for engaging with others in your network, however, websites allow us to engage in reading more detailed information from other practitioners and educators in the field.
Below is a list of 10 Reiki websites to add to your reading list.
- Reiki Therapy Resources (that’s us!)
- Reiki Australia
- All Energies Therapies Web
- Reiki Medicine and Self Care
- International Center for Reiki Training
- Reiki Rays
- Simply Reiki Healing
- Lisa Powers
- The Reiki Alliance
- International Association of Reiki Professionals
You can check out professional Reiki association websites on our previous blog post here: 10 Reiki Associations and Organizations
As a small business, it is essential that you develop an online presence. This can include starting your own website where you can include all of the information that you wish to convey about your Reiki practice to your potential clients.
Some of the most common pages to include on a website include:
- HOMEPAGE that explains what your Reiki practice offers
- ABOUT ME page that explains who you are as a Reiki practitioner
- CONTACT page where you provide your Reiki practice contact details
In addition to these common pages, you can also include informational pages on your website where you can help educate your clients about Reiki and other services that you provide.
The most common way to add ongoing written content on your website is by including a blog. A blog constantly changes as you add new content to it regularly. Having a blog on your website that regularly changes can provide your readers with a reason to regularly check your website for updates on new information that you have to share.
The content that you include in your blog should relate to your Reiki practice and the services and products that you provide.
Below are some of the common benefits that blogging provides by increasing your profile and online presence as a Reiki practitioner:
1. Improve search engine traffic – adding new content to your website is viewed positively by Google search and will increase your website ranking when potential readers search for information that relates to your content.
2. Promotes your personal brand as a Reiki practitioner – having a blog allows your readers the opportunity to understand more about Reiki and your approach to helping clients.
3. Builds a professional profile as a Reiki practitioner – you can begin to develop your knowledge about Reiki through the process of writing content for your blog. You can also use your blog as a platform to show readers that you are knowledgeable about the topic of Reiki. If you are interested in teaching or public speaking then writing blog content can help build your authority about your chosen niche.
4. Develops new skills – regularly writing blog content can help you build upon existing skills and develop new skills with writing, social media, and marketing. This can then benefit you for potential projects in the future that may involve ebooks, courses, or speaking at conferences.
5. Effective marketing technique – developing written content on a blog provides your readers with an opportunity to share the content on your website with other potential readers. This is an effective marketing technique to find potential new clients.
6. Contributes to the Reiki community – your blog content can play an important part in educating the general public about the benefits of Reiki. As people find your website and read about Reiki, their knowledge about Reiki and elevates the understanding of Reiki by the general public.
Below is a list of blog posts we’ve created previously that will develop your understanding of how to build your own art therapy website and blog:
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