10 Tips Using Evernote for Blogging



1. What is Evernote
2. Using Evernote for Blogging
3. 10 Tips for Using Evernote
4. Free Download – Evernote Summary



Evernote is a software program to help you create content. You can create your own content from scratch or use the features of Evernote to collect content from external sources. Evernote can store many different types of content including text, audio, video, images, pdfs. You can also create content using many features within Evernote including hyperlinking, checklists, formatting, reminders, voice memos, the table of contents creator and many more. Evernote is an incredibly robust content creation and storage system for your digital information.

In addition to creating content, you can also share documents both privately and publicly from Evernote. Because Evernote is a web-based program your data is synced and can be accessed across multiple devices at any time. You can work both offline and online with Evernote so an internet connection is not essential to using Evernote.

You start using Evernote by creating an individual note which is a document. You can then organize your notes into notebooks which are Evernote’s term for folders. You can organize your notes based on your own criteria whether you are using a project based system, calendar system, or list of topics.

In some of our blog posts, you may have noticed we offer a free Evernote download for some worksheets and templates. These templates can be freely accessed by clicking the links in each post and then saving them to your Evernote account to use in the future.

Here is a collection of some of the Evernote documents you can download. The FREE Evernote document can be found at the end of each blog post:

Evernote offers a Basic Account option that is free. You can also pay a subscription amount for additional premium features.


We’re including a few useful suggestions below on how to use Evernote effectively for your blog content.


One of the most significant benefits of Evernote is its organizational features. Other word processing programs such as Microsoft Word are limited to managing content as all content is either written in one master document or spread amongst multiple separate documents.

The organization structure within Word can often waste your time by when you have to open and close each document every time that you want to write, edit, or access your content. Multiple files can also create extra work for you in file management. You may also be limited to accessing your content on one device.

With Evernote, you can access your account and it’s content wherever you go. You also work within one program where your notes are structured in whatever way you wish to store them. You can put content in one note or across multiple notes and you only need to click your mouse to transition between each note.

Below is a folder structure of the Evernote Blogging Package we sell in the store:

You can see there are 3 panels in the image below:

PANEL 1: The notebook view showing all of the available notebooks
PANEL 2: The individual list of notes
PANEL 3: Contents on the first note

Blogging With Evernote

The image above shows 3 panels of information. Evernote also lets you change the way you view your notebooks. The image below shows the various options.

If you want to maximise the space you have to write, you can deselect the left panel and note list and only show your notes.

Blogging With Evernote

An example structure to use for your blogging content is below:

The CAPITALIZED words are considered notebooks and the dots points are considered notes.


  • Blog content ideas
  • Calendar schedule
  • Content for blog post ideas
  • Blog post template to use for each blog post created
  • Checklist for each blog post


  • Blog post 1
  • Blog post 2
  • Blog post 3


  • Blog post 1
  • Blog post 2
  • Blog post 3


Creating a master blog template in Evernote will help you streamline your blogging process. Your template will provide you with a useful guideline of the most important parts of your blog post that you want to include for each blog post that you create.

You can create one master template to use or you can choose to create a variety of templates if you regularly create different types of posts. These different types of blog posts can include a book review, top 10 lists, case studies, and educational posts etc.

Templates help streamline the process involved in writing a blog post and will help reduce repetitive tasks such as content outlining and formatting that you may do each time that you create a blog post.

You can choose to create your own templates, or you can import previously created templates that other Evernote users have created. You can also edit an imported template to suit your specific requirements that relate to your blog.

These below articles from the Evernote blog provide more information about the benefits and steps to create and import your own templates:

You can access FREE templates to import from Evernote below:

In addition to your templates, you can also create a useful checklist to use as a guide each time you create a blog post. A checklist will make sure you follow best practices for creating your blog post and ensuring that they contain all the essential elements of a blog post that makes your content internet friendly for search purposes online.


  • Plan blog post
  • Outline blog post
  • Draft blog post
  • Edit blog post
  • Format blog post
  • Include internal and external links
  • Include images
  • Schedule / publish blog post
  • Preview blog post on website for potential formatting issues
  • Format for SEO (eg. Use free Yoast plugin in WordPress)


A workflow consists of a series of steps you take to streamline and make your work tasks more efficient. Creating a workflow for your blogging process is useful as it can help you complete your blogging tasks in a quicker timeframe so that you can get back to your preferred work of helping clients.

Creating a workflow can help you identify the most important tasks in your blogging process and also provide you with insight into the resources you will need to complete your blogging tasks.

Below is a suggested workflow guide to using Evernote for blogging.

  • Create a notebook structure in Evernote that helps you organize your blog content. Eg. by year > month or by topic
  • Create a Master Note in Evernote that contains all of your blog content ideas. Organize your content into topics and categories to identify the common themes in your blog posts
  • Create a blogging template that includes the essential criteria of your blog posts such as format, word count, SEO. You may wish to create a number of different templates based on the blog post type. For example – book reviews, top 10 lists, case studies etc.
  • Create a new note for each blog post based on your blog template/s.
  • Create your blog content.


  1. .Develop a notebook/folder structure to organise your content
  2. Establish a blog schedule
  3. Develop a blog template https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2017/05/05/uncovering-templates-hidden-gem-evernote/
  4. Develop a blog workflow using Evernote eg. Idea collection, drafts, editing, published, structure by calendar or topic
  5. Work on your blog in batches where possible. Eg. Create all blog post outlines in one work session.
  6. Use a checklist to ensure you have covered the essential criteria of your blog post.
  7. Use Evernote’s web clipper to save research material from the internet
  8. Scan hand written notes and offline paperwork directly into Evernote
  9. Email items directly into your Evernote account
  10. Send Google Alerts to your Evernote account for later review.

If you need help to begin or develop a blog on your website, we have an Evernote Blogging Package available in the store. Below is a snapshot of the content within the Evernote Blogging Package

You can find more details on the Blogging package on the website here: Evernote Blogging Package 

Reiki Therapist Blogging Package

Reiki Therapist Blogging Package

The Evernote Blogging Package provides you with the foundations of the type of blog posts that would suit a Reiki practitioner and wellbeing therapist. Also included is a step by step easy to follow formula to help you create your title and blog post content.

If you want to blog on your Reiki website, then this blogging package is for you.

The blogging package provides you with the foundations of the type of blog posts that would suit a Reiki practitioner and wellbeing therapist. Also included is a step by step easy to follow formula to help you create your title and blog post content.

The resources in this blogging package makes the process of creating blog content so much easier. You will save hours of time trying to construct the perfect blog layout because the work has already been done for you.

This blogging package contains tips and tricks that will help motivate you to create blog content with more productive writing effort.

The blogging package is full of actionable advice to help you establish a streamlined process of creating blog content.

This blogging package contains practical advice that can be implemented to help you create your blog content immediately.

After working through this package you will:

have a better understanding of the approach you should take when planning your blogging content
construct your own blogging content planner for the year using our planner templates
Create a catchy blog title for your blog post that will help your blog post gain traction on internet search engines
use our step by step blog post template to create your blog content
use our blog post checklist to review your blog post before posting it on your website

This product purchase is a collection of Evernote documents to be saved in your Evernote program.

The contents of this package include the following sections:


  • Blog Post Ideas Worksheet
  • Content planner
  • Writing Tips


  • Types of blog posts
  • Creating your blog post title
  • Writing methodology
  • Blog post template
  • Blog post checklist



Blog Post Ideas
You can choose to plan your blog post ideas individually or based on a theme. Use this section to help brainstorm all of your blog content ideas and then curate them into a blog content plan.

Content planner
Included in this package is a content planner template that will help you create a blog content calendar for both a minimal amount of blog posting or an increased level of blog posting. Use the blank planner to create your own personalised blog content planner.

Writing Tips
Use these useful writing tips to help boost your writing productivity through the process of creating a writing ritual as well as setting goals and staying motivated to create your written content.


Types of blog posts
Included in this package is a list of the 7 most common types of blog posts that suit a Reiki therapist website. You will also be provided with a general outline of the content of each blog post type.

Creating your blog post title
Use our blog post title formula for creating the most memorable title for your blog post. Included in this section is a link to a headline analyzer tool that will help you improve your blog post title.

Writing methodology
In this package we’ve included instructions for the essential components of blog content creation:

  • Research
  • Outline
  • Writing
  • Editing

Included in this package is a step by step breakdown of the writing methodology including actions and timeframes that will help you write both small and large blog posts.

Blog post template
Use the included blog post template to create a well written blog post that is based on the step by step writing methodology we’ve included in this package.

Blog post checklist
Use this checklist for your blog post to ensure you have created blog content that will boost your website visibility on the internet.

You can learn more about Evernote and it’s many uses from our previous posts: 10 Blogging Tools to Increase Your Blog Writing Productivity


You can also access this Evernote document which contains the same tips. You can save this note to your own Evernote. You can view the Evernote document even if you do not use Evernote.


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10 Tips Using Evernote for Blogging


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