1. Reiki Therapy Space
2. Atmosphere
3. Accessibility and safety
4. FREE Download Reiki Room Checklist
Establishing a functional, welcoming, and comfortable Reiki space is an integral part of providing Reiki to your clients.
A comfortable room will put your client at ease and facilitate an environment where your client is comfortable in undertaking the vulnerable process of therapy. You can create a comfortable room through colors, textures, smells, and sounds that are contained in your Reiki therapy room.
From a functional point of view, your space should serve your purpose as a Reiki practitioner and serve the purpose of a comfortable room for your clients.
Your space should provide an element of privacy so clients feel secure and not exposed within a high traffic area that other clients may visit.
At a minimum, your space should be a self-contained room that is large enough for yourself and your client. Furniture requirements typically include an area where your client can sit to take off their shoes, receive treatment, or gather their thoughts. You will also need a table for your client to lie on while you provide Reiki treatment.
If your space also serves as your office you will want to have space for your desk, computer, and any other office equipment. It’s important to keep these items as separate as possible from the treatment area, so your client is not distracted.
Aside from the functionality aspects of your Reiki space, your room is a conduit for self-expression as a therapist. Setting up your space is a reflection of how you work with your clients.
Storage is an important part of maintaining your Reiki space. You will need to have space for supplies such as towels, sheets, incense or oils etc.
You will also want to store items for your clients such as drinking water or tissues. It’s best to keep these items in a stored cupboard or box so they are out of sight. The more you can maintain an atmosphere of minimalism and clutter free, the more your space will be a relaxing area for your client.
If your office space is part of your treatment space, you will need to consider the impact of having office resources in a space that is dedicated to therapeutic treatment. This might mean using a laptop instead of a desktop computer so it can be easily stored away between work sessions. You may also want to consider a locked cupboard that holds all of your office items. Having a locked space will also ensure your client information is held securely.
You may want to consider having an office space inside a walk in cupboard. Check out some of these great ideas on Pinterest for inspiration: Walk in Cupboard Office
If you work from home, you may want to consider keeping any office equipment or resources in a spare room.
If this is not possible, then this is your time to think creatively with cupboards, doors, and soft furnishings to try and separate the client side from the administrative side of your Reiki practice.
In addition to creating a functional space, you can introduce other items into your space to help foster a welcoming and safe space for your clients.
Some common items you can add to your space include:
- Plants
- Inspiring images
- Inspiring quotes
- Soft furnishings (rugs, pillows)
- Sitting areas for reading or talking
- Music
- Soft lighting – candles, string lights etc
Aside from adding aesthetically pleasing items to the room to make it feel more welcome, you can also engage in therapeutic rituals or traditions to begin and close a session. This could be as simple as lighting a candle, or incense, or completing a stretch to the sky to limber up the arms and open up for breathing more deeply. It could also include creating a check-in process where the client can connect with something in the room to make a statement that they are here to heal.
When setting up your Reiki space it’s important to consider the accessibility to your room for clients with disabilities. This involves thinking about stairs into your building as well as your room. You should also assess the access through your doorway and the ease of movement around the room amongst any tables, chairs, and other furniture. You should also consider if your location has disabled parking accessibility or easy drop off points for clients and carers.
If you have items in your space that engage the 5 senses, you may want to consider if any of those items could cause a reaction for your clients. This is particularly relevant for smells and sounds that may be loud or offensive to others.
The accessibility of your Reiki space will impact the likelihood of your client attending sessions. Your client may enjoy their sessions, however, if getting to your location is difficult, this will impact your client’s willingness to attend future sessions.
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