1. What are Chakras
2. What is the Heart Chakra
3. Balancing the Heart Chakra
5. Free Download 7 Chakras Summary
Chakras act as a balancing system to maintain the physical, mental, and spiritual functions of a person. Chakras are an integral aspect of the intersection between mind and body functions.
Chakras are divided into 7 main areas that are located along the central aspect of the body. These run from the base of the spine up to the top of the head.
The chakras are listed below:
- Chakra 1 The Root Chakra – refers to survival and overall life
- Chakra 2 The Sacral Chakra – refers to emotion and sexuality
- Chakra 3 The Solar Plexus Chakra – refers to self-esteem, self-worth, and personal will
- Chakra 4 The Heart Chakra – refers to love
- Chakra 5 The Throat Chakra – refers to communication
- Chakra 6 The Third Eye Chakra – refers to creativity, intuition, and imagination
- Chakra 7 The Crown Chakra – refers to knowledge, understanding, and consciousness
Chakras are constantly vibrating as they absorb and transmit energy throughout our bodies. When a chakra is blocked, it creates a disruption to energy flow and will impact us in our daily lives, specifically in the area of the blocked chakra. Consequently, as one chakra is blocked, it will affect the flow of energy through the other chakras.
Many experiences and events can block chakras. These experiences include childhood trauma, physical injury, emotional distress, high stress, chronic illness, unhealthy habits, and limited thinking.
As we experience negative events in our life, we undertake coping mechanisms to help us cope physically, mentally, and spiritually. These coping mechanisms can develop bad habits and thinking patterns that ultimately impact the flow of energy through our chakras.
Balancing our chakras is an important part of our healing and recovering process, along with developing an understanding of the source of our experiences and the maladaptive coping mechanisms that we develop in order to protect ourselves.
The heart chakra is the most commonly known chakra. Physically it relates to the health of the heart and the surrounding organs including lungs and the thymus gland.
The heart chakra is associated with the color green and the element of air. The heart chakra is connected with all things related to love, relationships, compassion, and acceptance.
The heart chakra is the center of all 7 chakras and represents the central construct of our being – to love others and ourselves with compassion and acceptance.
When the heart chakra is balanced, we can easily receive and give love. We accept others and ourselves and can extend compassion and forgiveness when required.
When the heart chakra is out of balance, our perceptions and interactions within relationships can be dysfunctional. At one end we can withhold and refrain from engaging in loving practice with others. On the other spectrum, we can become obsessed with love and engage in behaviors such as jealousy and control.
For the heart chakra to be balanced, love should be freely given and received without conditions or control.
A number of activities can help restore our chakras. Engaging in positive life activities is beneficial to encourage positive energy flow throughout our body. This is relevant for the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our lives.
Some positive activities that we can engage in to promote positive energy flow are listed below:
- Reiki
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Visualization
- Color therapy
- Conscious breathing
- Gentle physical exercises such as stretching
- Positive thinking
- Affirmations
- Aromatherapy
- Art therapy/art journaling
- Formal therapy for mental wellbeing
As the element of air is connected to the heart chakra, you can engage in exercises and practices that facilitate good breathwork. This includes deep breathing exercises as well as aerobic exercises that encourage a steady flow of air.
Engaging in activities that are in nature with fresh air can also help strengthen your heart chakra.
Balancing the third chakra provides you with compassion and self-love that enable you to embrace the flow of energy to all chakras.
In addition to the above activities to rebalance the heart chakra, conducting Reiki over the heart chakra area can also clear any blockage and help restore a positive energy flow.
Reiki techniques involve holding your hands for at least 5 minutes over your chest and sternum area.
Engaging in metta meditation will also encourage extending loving-kindness and compassion to all living beings.

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